Glastonbury Renaissance Faire
Coastal Muses
present Ye 9th
Glastonbury Renaissance Faire
Waterfront Park, Toledo, Oregon
June 28 & 29, 2025
Food Booth Application
Please save this information when you apply.
Basis for Acceptance:
No application will be considered if the registration form is not completely filled out.
In keeping with the theme of Glastonbury Renaissance Faire, All VENDORS AND THEIR HELPERS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A RENAISSANCE* COSTUME, decorate their booths in the style of Medieval Crusades to Tudor England.
Modern equipment should be kept inconspicuous.
Unless you are a returning vendor please include a photo of your booth and your costumes when submitting application. Sending us your webpage address instead of hard copy will be acceptable. For Food vendors you are required to send proof of insurance with your application.
*About Costumes:
Our years are from 900 a.d. to 1585 a.d., your costumes may be based on English folklore as well as Medieval Crusades to the Elizabethan/Renaissance clothing of the times. Vendors and their helpers who refuse to wear costumes will forfeit their fees, be asked to leave, and will not be invited back.
Food Vendors must submit their proposed menus and prices with this application by May 4, 2025 and obtain approval before finalizing their plans for food to be served. Menus and prices cannot be changed without approval from the director once they have been approved. There will be no repetition of menus among concessions. In this regard, we ask Food Vendors to consider changing menus if another concession has first submitted a menu which included one or more of your proposed items. Drinks and “extras” will be allowed as repeat items.
Any alcoholic beverages served is the responsibility of said food/beer vendor serving, to follow all OLLC rules, checking id’s, also providing a fenced area for alcohol consumption. Absolutely NO walking through the faire with alcohol open containers.
Fees and Registration:
All Booth fees are based on square footage (length times width) per sq. ft.
A booth over 20’x20′ will only be charged as a 20’x20′, however, please remember this is a small site and we cannot accommodate large booths. Submit the completed application form to be considered and email back to An email for acceptance will be sent out with a payment link.
If vendors wish to send a check, please make out to: “Coastal Muses” and mail to the address on application.
No refund will be made if the vendor cancels within the last two weeks before the show.
No-shows will not be invited back.
Registrations must be received NO LATER THAN MAY 4th. Vendors will be notified of acceptance as soon after May 4th and no later than May 26th
Food vendors are responsible for complying with all applicable public health laws or ordinances of the City of Toledo, and the State of Oregon, etc. In addition, the following must have been completed and presented to the director with your application:
- That you have checked with the City of Toledo to determine what requirements are applicable to your operation
- That you have issued to you a Food License from The Lincoln County Environmental Health Dept.
For your Temporary Food License Contact;
The Lincoln County Environmental Health Dept. 36 S.W. Nye Street, Newport Oregon, 97365, 541-265-4127
Vendors will be advised of their booth location when they check in. Vendors are responsible for providing all materials and for all construction and maintenance of their booths. Remember to fire proof any materials that may require it. Food booths must have 2 fire extinguishers.
Merchant booths must have 1 fire extinguisher.
Displays should be designed to withstand Wind and Rain. NO MODERN APPEARING SIGNS (i.e.. Plastic) OR NEON-TYPE SIGN OF ANY VARIETY MAY BE USED.
Set Up and Show Hours:
The Faire is open from 10:00 until 5:30 both days. Vendors may arrive to set up on Thursday, from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M… There is set up time available also for Saturday from 7:00 – 9:00 A.M..
No Vehicles will be allowed to remain on the Faire site and MUST be off by 9:30 A.M., as the gates will begin to be ready to open at 9:45. Booths may not be taken down or vehicles brought on the Faire site until at least 5:45 P.M. when all patrons are off site and the show is officially over.
In order to safeguard their merchandise, vendors will be allowed to stay on site overnight Thursday after 3 to Monday. There will be security provided on site from Friday to Monday morning. NO PETS ARE ALLOWED ON THE SITE UNLEASHED.
On Site Camping:
Vendors and participates only may camp on site either in their booths or in our “Vendors n Actors’ Camping Area” from after 5 P.M.Thursday to Monday noon. Above ground fires are Not Permitted. Further camping information will be provided when the Vendor is accepted in the show.
Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement:
All vendors signing the registration form hereby release Coastal Muses, and the City and Port of Toledo, from responsibility for any damage or loss to said vendor’s property or any personal injury which the vendor or helpers may sustain while participating in Coastal Muses Glastonbury Renaissance Faire. Further, they agree to abide by the rules, policies, and guidelines contained in the application and information letters, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend any action against Coastal Muses of Glastonbury Renaissance Faire, Coastal Muses, staff and volunteers, The Port of Toledo and the City of Toledo from and against all liability whatsoever arising from their participation in the Coastal Muses Glastonbury Renaissance Faire.
The Production Director reserves the right to make a determination on any of the above rules.
Acceptance emails will go out as soon after May 4th and no later than May 26th.